The 36 Best Tools for Creating Lead Magnets
Why was this list of tools created?

SMB or startup – looking for profitability in your ads? Here’s an exhaustive and SPECIFIC list of tools for creating each lead magnet.

 Are you spending a lot on advertisement? 

I myself create lead magnets in my line of work and I want to make them as PROFITABLE as possible, as quickly as possible.

The hard part: ensuring that you TAKE ADVANTAGE of the traffic drawn to your website.

 That’s why it’s important to have a good lead magnet to COLLECT as many email addresses as possible from the traffic you generate!
How can the toolbox help you?

 The toolbox contains the 36 best tools for helping you succeed at creating powerful lead magnets.

Eachlead magnet you create can be used to convert all of your website’s traffic. Day and night.

The lead magnets are arranged in orderfrom easiest to most challenging, so there’s one for every level and every budget!
I want my Excel file with the 36 tools
A glimpse into my toolbox
Generic Tools

For lead magnets containing just text, visuals, or videos, the generic tools listed are the best in the industry. Easy to use, accessible, and tested over time. 

  • Canva for creating quick visuals (free)
  • Unsplash: free source for HD images
  • TinyTake: free screenshot tool (image and video)
Specific Tools

For more specific lead magnets, such as webinars or podcasts Tools specialized for creating this type of resource. Adapted interface and detailed guide. 

  • Visme: creating infographics
  • LeadQuizzes: creating quizzes
  • ShotCut: creating and editing videos

Added Bonus - Productivity

Free gift! The tools I use every day to succeed in marketing Tools geared towards productivity. Free, for the most part.

  • Evernote: note taking
  • SimilarWeb: tool that displays traffic stats across all websites
  • Calendly: automatic appointment management